Gala allows youngsters to step into competition

SAND swimming galaSAND swimming gala
SAND swimming gala
Youngsters with physical, learning, and sensory disabilities joined young people with additional needs, in a fun swimming gala at Retford Leisure Centre.

Retford Swimming Club and the SAND Sports Club, supported by Bassetlaw Council’s Sports Development Team, hosted the event.

The aim of the gala was to act as a first step into the world of swimming competitions for youngsters who may find major galas daunting.

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There where events for all swimming abilities from competent swimmers to swimmers who use flotation aids or require a helper.

Each participant received a certificate and medal for taking part.

Four volunteers and parents were on hand to ensure that everyone had a positive experience and to take on roles of officials and time keepers.

Sian Kirk from the council’s sports development team, said: “The day was all about helping eight young people feel good about who they are, building their self-esteem and the many benefits for sports participation, seeing progression for all the hard work they put in at their swimming lesson and the positive impact this has on their health.”