Hospital staff urged to speak out about safety concerns

Bassetlaw Hospital, Carlton Road, Worksop.w70117-5a
Bassetlaw Hospital, Carlton Road, Worksop.
w70117-5a Bassetlaw Hospital, Carlton Road, Worksop.
The health trust which runs Bassetlaw Hospital has signed up to a national campaign aimed at ensuring NHS staff can raise any concerns they may have about patient safety without fear of reprisals.

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has publicly pledged its commitment to the principles underpinning Nursing Times magazine’s national ‘Speak Out Safely’ campaign, launched in the wake of the Francis report into events at Mid Staffordshire Hospitals.

The trust strongly encourages staff to speak out and to spread the message that everyone has a responsibility to raise any concerns they may have. Staff already do this by reporting any incidents they witness and by letting their managers know if they believe that the level of care falls short of what patients deserve. Its incident reporting and whistleblowing policies explain how they can raise concerns without fear of reprisals through other channels.

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Deirdre Fowler, acting director of nursing, midwifery and quality at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals, said: Our public pledge in support of the Nursing Times Speak Out Safely campaign provides additional reassurance to our staff and volunteers that their concerns will be addressed in an honest and transparent environment and that they don’t need to worry that they will be treated differently because of it.”

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