Louth woman given restraining order after racially aggravated harassment

Nicola Wright, 35, of Somersby Way, in Louth, has been convicted of using racially-aggravated words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress, after changing her plea to guilty when she appeared in court.

Wright had previously pleaded not guilty to the offence - which took place in Louth on August 2 last year - when she appeared at Skegness Magistrates’ Court on October 27, and the case was adjourned for the trial.

However, Wright changed her plea to guilty when she appeared at Skegness Magistrates’ Court again on January 22.

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During this hearing, the court determined that the offence was racially aggravated.

Wright was given a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £85 in court costs and a £15 victim surcharge.

A 12-month restraining order was also put in place by the court, prohibiting Wright from pestering, harassing or threatening Mario Koncar or Louise Koncar by any means, including electronic.