Why not do something special in 2017?

Be a Special ConstableBe a Special Constable
Be a Special Constable
Lincolnshire Police are looking for more amazing people who have an interest in the community and in police work to train as Special Constables.

The county’s Special Constabulary is now recruiting across the Lincolnshire force area for new officers to begin training in the spring.

A wealth of interesting opportunities and experiences await you, according to the force, if you are successfuly appointed as a Special Constables.

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Chief Officer Steve Woodcock, Head of the Special Constabulary said: “As a Special Constable, there is a chance to meet people from a variety of backgrounds in an even wider range of situations. Officers learn much about human nature, teamwork, and increase their ability to cope with the unexpected.”

Special Constables are an integral part of the local policing team and work alongside officers of the regular force as well as with other experienced Specials. On appointment you will attend an induction course at the Force Headquarters.

To be eligible for appointment as a Special Constable, you must be aged over 18 years, be a British or Commonwealth citizen, of good character and physically fit.

Visit the Special Constabulary pages for further details and to view and complete the application form. Click here.